Concise Minutes - Health, Social Care and Sport Committee

Meeting Venue:

Committee Room 3 - Senedd

Meeting date: Thursday, 29 June 2017

Meeting time: 09.30 - 11.30
This meeting can be viewed
on Senedd TV at:




Assembly Members:

Dai Lloyd AM (Chair)

Dawn Bowden AM

Jayne Bryant AM

Angela Burns AM

Rhun ap Iorwerth AM

Caroline Jones AM

Julie Morgan AM

Lynne Neagle AM


Vaughan Gething AM, Cabinet Secretary for Health, Well-being and Sport

Rebecca Evans AM, Minister for Social Services and Public Health

Dr Andrew Goodall, Welsh Government

Alan Brace, Welsh Government

Albert Heaney, Welsh Government

Committee Staff:

Sian Thomas (Clerk)

Sarah Sargent (Deputy Clerk)

Dr Paul Worthington (Researcher)


1       Introductions, apologies, substitutions and declarations of interest

1.1 The Chair welcomed Members to the meeting.


2       Scrutiny of the Welsh Government budget 2017-18 - in-year financial scrutiny - Cabinet Secretary for Health, Well-being and Sport and the Minister for Social Services and Public Health

2.1 The Committee received evidence from the Cabinet Secretary for Health, Well-being and Sport and the Minister for Social Services and Public Health and their officials.

2.2 The Cabinet Secretary for Health, Well-being and Sport agreed to provide the Committee with a note outlining the progress of the Inverse Care Law Programme pilots underway in the Aneurin Bevan and Cwm Taf University Health Boards.


3       Paper(s) to note

3.1   Inquiry into loneliness and isolation - additional information from the Welsh NHS Confederation

3.1a The Committee noted the additional information from the Welsh NHS Confederation.


3.2   Letter from the Finance Committee regarding the Scrutiny of the draft Budget

3.2a The Committee noted the letter from the Finance Committee regarding the Scrutiny of the draft Budget.


3.3   Inquiry into primary care - additional information from the Cabinet Secretary for Health, Well-being and Sport

3.3a The Committee noted the additional information from the Cabinet Secretary for Health, Well-being and Sport.


4       Motion under Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public from the remainder of the meeting and from the meetings on 5 July and 13 July

4.1 The Committee agreed the motion.


5       Scrutiny of the Welsh Government budget 2017-18 - in-year financial scrutiny - consideration of evidence

5.1 The Committee considered the evidence given by the Cabinet Secretary and the Minister and their officials.